Tennis training for advanced

You must be logged in to complete your registration for the tennis training sessions. If you are not yet logged in, please click here (a new window will open) to log in and then refresh this page.

To finalize your registration for a tennis training session (level 1 to 9), you must check the box below and click continue. The tennis training will then be added to your shopping cart, which you must then pay for. Online payment is only possible via iDEAL.

The tennis training costs € 101.50.
Whether you also have to pay for your OlymPas depends on the validity of your OlymPas; your pass must be valid until at least 8 June 2025.

After completing your payment, you will receive a message confirming your purchase at the email address provided to Sportcentrum Olympos. Although it is not mentioned separately in that message, it is also confirmation that you have successfully completed the first and second phase of registration for the tennis training.

You will receive an email from TC de Uithof about the layout of the tennis training sessions in the weekend of 25 January, at the email address specified in the registration form.

For questions or comments about the tennis training sessions, please contact